Apr 27, 2017
It's so cold in the D, while the rest of the NHL has fun winning playoff games. Tune in as the disparaged hosts of the Winged Wheel Podcast show their true shame and pettiness in celebrating the losses of old foes, covering their (soon to be incorrect) second round predictions, and rounding up news from across the league and Russia while giving advice on hot yoga. Does this episode seem like a mish-mash? Because it definitely is. Drink up and enjoy! Website: wingedwheelpodcast.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wingedwheelpodcast Facebook: www.facebook.com/WingedWheelPodcast Follow us on Twitter: @BradKrysko, @RyanHanaWWP, @HockeytownEvan RSS Feed: feeds.feedburner.com/WingedWheelPodcast All other inquiries/sponsors portal: wingedwheelpodcast@gmail.com